Apostate Kate2
JoinedPosts by Apostate Kate2
by diamondblue1974 in.
i have been attempting to follow the money and have obtained not only the wtbts financial records for the uk but the ibsa financial records too.... if you would like a peek to see where your money has gone or is going pm your email address to me or post here.. as interesting as the wtbts financial records if not more, in my opinion...... db
by diamondblue1974 in.
i have been attempting to follow the money and have obtained not only the wtbts financial records for the uk but the ibsa financial records too.... if you would like a peek to see where your money has gone or is going pm your email address to me or post here.. as interesting as the wtbts financial records if not more, in my opinion...... db
Apostate Kate2
Does anyone know where we can find up to date financial records for WTBTS and its subsidiaries?
I found a few things after days of searching online but not what I'm looking for. Don't 501c3's have to make records public?
All I could really find is this at;
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York
25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, 11201
Revenue: $951 million
Industry: Publishing
President: Milton Henshel
Employees: 3,415
It takes a lot of printing to supply more than 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses with the materials for their ministry. One publication, Watchtower, now has an average print run of 23 million copies twice per month, an increase of 7.5 percent over last year.
"Our report for the year is different from a Wall Street company," said vice president George Couch. Indeed, the company's employees are volunteers who live and work in the Brooklyn complex. -
Be honest, Do you really Enjoy Christmas?
by BluesBrother indansk's christmas tree thread got me to thinking .. in this house we do not celebrate since my wife is still a die hard dub.
i have no complaints about that, it was our joint choice for decades and i an the one that changed .but as witnesses we were always given the negative view of the holiday time :-.
"people feel that they just have to do it although they do not really want to".
Apostate Kate2
Next trip out I'm getting balloons to make Martha Stewart glitter balls out of string, glue and lots of glitter. I'm doing a magical white glittery Christmas this year. I'm going to hang glittery snow flakes and balls from the cielings. For us it is a celebration of Jesus, salvation, freedom, family and JOY!
My God - They all are looking like the WTS to me now - religions!
by AK - Jeff instumbled here - and though the surface virtues look attractive at first blush, it didn't take too long before i could not read anymore..
i am surprised that my view has changed so radically toward religion.
is my mind nearly free?
Apostate Kate2
Well we all know what the Bible really says about religion, to care for those in need (James)
This is actually a ministry by and for women, you will not see the male perspective such as; husbands get your wives approval before making financial decisions etc. A friend briefly introduced me to this group awhile back.
The big difference that was mentioned already is how it is inforced, which in this case, it is not. It is a purely voluntary lifestyle some Christian woman have adopted. It looked too rigid for me but I did love some of the traditions between mothers and daughters that we as JWs did not have.
With what is going on with teens today, the internet sexual exhibitionism, drug and alcohol aduse is alarming. This group's focus brings a sense of feminine beauty and self worth back. They also encourage strong traditional bonds between mothers and children and is a great support group for those who choose it.
Like with everything it could become cultic as soon as someone forsakes their own common sense and follows the leader. Or someone believes that their relationship with God is defined by their own works.
Some of their lifestyle choices may be extreme in todays society, but they do have some beautiful traditions I wished I had shared with my children.
Cloth Diapers
by reneeisorym inso .. my husband and i are going to start trying for kids next year.
we had a long discussion last night about disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers.
i know this decision can wait but i just like talking about my expectations early rather than end up with conflict later on.. i want to use cloth diapers and he thinks disposables are the way to go.
Apostate Kate2
Mrs Jones I am convinced healthy breastmilk makes a big difference in children's health. I don't know why so many young mothers have such a difficult time with it. So many have said they didn't have enough milk. All you need to do is drink more water and let them suck longer. Nipples will get sore but that's only at the beginning. What I did was cut the tips out of some bras before the baby was born. Your nipples rub against your clothes and get toughened up. Researchers have found mercury and other contaminants in breastmilk so mom's need to eat as much organic plant based proteins they can.
Renee I'm so happy you found a wonderful man. It sure makes being married a good thing. My hubby is so sweet he does so many loving things for me. He's so thoughtful. I wished I'd have met him 27 years ago, he would have been a great dad. My kids love and respect him, he's my best friend.
Cloth Diapers
by reneeisorym inso .. my husband and i are going to start trying for kids next year.
we had a long discussion last night about disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers.
i know this decision can wait but i just like talking about my expectations early rather than end up with conflict later on.. i want to use cloth diapers and he thinks disposables are the way to go.
Apostate Kate2
Using cloth diapers and cooking frugal meals from scratch made it possible for me to stay home and raise my kids. My adult son recently asked me why I never bought Boboli pizza crust instead of making my own. It took work but I enjoyed it. I was also a health freak so prepared processed food was rarely around. Trips to fast food was also rare.
Our lifestyle was unique compared to the lifestyle where we lived in Southern California. We never spent money on formula, breastfeeding was so much easier, healthier. My son also asked me why he and his brother and sister never got sick and his son is always sick with something and has from birth. They would get about 1 cold or flu bug a year and recovered quickly.
If you don't have a willing, cooperative, patient husband it can be quite the burden. Also women today almost need to work to pay into Social Security Disability or just pay the rent. I provided day care during the times we needed more income. It will make you crazy to use cloth and cook from scratch if you have to work full time. You will ease into that perfect balance that is just right for you.
Cloth Diapers
by reneeisorym inso .. my husband and i are going to start trying for kids next year.
we had a long discussion last night about disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers.
i know this decision can wait but i just like talking about my expectations early rather than end up with conflict later on.. i want to use cloth diapers and he thinks disposables are the way to go.
Apostate Kate2
In my day it was very economical to use cloth so I did, saved a lot of money. We were living very frugal, saving to buy our first home. I'd rinse poopy in the toilet, then soak in a bucket of bleach water until it was time to wash. (Never leave any bucket where a baby/toddler can access it. Babies will drown in a bucket, even a small one with less than an inch of water. They fall in head first)
Today though I'd never do that. Too old too tired got a
Blessings to you Renee. You are going to make a wonderful mommie.
JW's to be glorified at Holocaust event
by Apostate Kate2 inread from the bottom up.
i sent them an email. thanks for writing kathleen.
it is helpful to recieve a variety of viewpoints on this.
Apostate Kate2
Rebel do you have "holocaust" in your google alerts? I'm going to do that right now. That way we can email and send a simple snail mail package to all organizations promoting the dubs with thier programs. I am going to be busy and traveling to the PA convention, but will focus on making this happen as soon as possible.
It is 100% true, we may not be able to close the WT doors but together we can make a big difference. People like you, Danny Hazard, Barbara Anderson, Bill Bowen just to name a few have made a huge impact! Gosh you made the WT put a disclaimer of sorts on thier site lol...
You all deserve our appreciation.
What's wrong with JW's in a nutshell.
by JeffT ini was pondering this after an aa meeting the other day.
a couple of the 12 steps involve working constantly to improve our conscious contact with god.
they do not seek him out, go into a guide place to seek his guidence.
Apostate Kate2
of course, if you aren't allowed to talk to Him how could you have a relationship?)
After I had a life changing experience with Jesus physicaly manifest as a miracle, witnessed by my JW "sisters", I asked them; when did it become illegal to talk to Jesus?
When Jesus walked the earth we were allowed to talk to him.
When Jesus died and rose on the 3rd day we were allowed to talk to him.
When Jesus rose to heaven we were allowed to talk to him. (Paul's life changing experience, Steven spoke to him at death)
So I asked my sisters exactly when did it become blasphemy? They seen the miracle. They were afraid of course, said they would "look into it." But that was it. I was poison and that was the last time they spoke to me.
Bless you ferret. That is the awesome aspect of having a personal relationship with Jesus, no one can take it away from you. Since my experience with Him in 1990, He has never left me. He kept the promise He made me that night.
What's wrong with JW's in a nutshell.
by JeffT ini was pondering this after an aa meeting the other day.
a couple of the 12 steps involve working constantly to improve our conscious contact with god.
they do not seek him out, go into a guide place to seek his guidence.
Apostate Kate2
My nutshell;
The Watchtower starting with Russel changed the truth of the gospel message from one of unconditional unmerrited grace, to an approval process and works based religion.
That allowed them to take the place of Jesus Christ in a believers life. The Watchtower and it's followers believe that the Watchtower is thier mediator/go between, between God and us. Our personal relationship is with the WT instead of directly with our truly loving Father and His Holy Son who understands and can relate to everything we suffer.
My personal relationship with Jesus is amazing, loving, caring. I am not delusional. God manifests himself in my life in many spiritual and physicaly measurable ways. This is not a cognitive distortionor, self deception or illusion. My life is filled with evidence of the supernatural.
As a JW my relationship with God was toxic and frightening although I can look back and see supernatural events that saved my life. He was still there I just didn't see Him clearly through the WT veil.